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Copyright Undetermined (9,204)
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Creative Commons BY-NC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (8,311)
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (58,199)
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (20,636)
Creative Commons BY-ND Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (23,285)
Creative Commons BY-SA Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (6)
Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (245)
Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 (46,913)
In Copyright (263,698)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted (26,709)
No Copyright - United States (48,417)
Akan [aka] (1)
Arabic [ara] (103)
Armenian [arm] (19)
Burmese [bur] (121)
Chichewa | Chewa | Nyanja [nya] (5)
Chinese [chi] (55)
Chinese [zho] (5)
Church Slavic | Old Slavonic | Church Slavonic | Old Bulgarian | Old Church Slavonic [chu] (21)
Coptic [cop] (13)
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Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350) [dum] (19)
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French, Old (842-ca.1400) [fro] (108)
Geez [gez] (316)
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Greek, Modern (1453-) [ell] (3)
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Italian [ita] (14)
Japanese [jpn] (692)
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Persian [per] (14)
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Portuguese [por] (3)
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Russian [rus] (9)
Samaritan Aramaic [sam] (11)
Shona [sna] (1)
Spanish | Castilian [spa] (226)
Swahili [swa] (2)
Syriac [syr] (13)
Thai [tha] (2)
Turkish [tur] (33)
Wolof [wol] (2)
Zulu [zul] (1)
1993 ODFW Oregon Rocky Shore Aerial Photography Survey (300)
Abigail Scott Duniway papers, 1852-1992 (4)
African Political Ephemera and Realia Project (68)
Alexander Merovitch papers (158)
Alice B. Sheldon, pen name James Tiptree, Jr., papers, 1920-1999 (252)
Amelia A. Hadley journal (2)
Angelus Studio photographs, 1880s-1940s (14,174)
Annual Cruise (59)
Arthur W. Erfeldt papers, 1935-1980 (2)
Artistsʼ Books at the University of Oregon Libraries (639)
Ashmore Family papers, 1850-1937 (11)
Auguste Louis Noël architectural plans, drawings and specifications (29)
Avery Robinson papers (4)
Axel Stordahl papers, 1936-1961 (108)
Barbara Fealy landscape architectural records, 1966-1993 (15)
Bean and Condon Family Photographs (PH082), 1860-1931 (9)
Bean and Condon Family papers, 1872-1975 (9)
Benjamin Franklin Dowell papers (8)
Binger Hermann papers (244)
Braceros in Oregon Photograph Collection (100)
Building Oregon (23,707)
Bushnell University (1)
C. L. Andrews photographs, 1880s-1948 (43)
Calbreath Family papers, 1839-1930 (5)
Carol Newhouse photographs and papers, 1973-1998 (18)
Casa y Comunidad: Latino/a/x Housing in Oregon (543)
Charles Marquis Warren papers, 1942-1972 (12)
Charles Orlando Porter papers (242)
Charles W. Furlong Papers, 1896-1967 (15)
Charles W. Furlong (1874-1967) photographs, 1895-1965 (36)
Chester E. Corry papers, 1947-1989 (78)
ChinaVine (19,318)
Chuck Williams Photographs (54)
Clarence Leroy Andrews papers, 1900-1948 (2)
Columbia Gorge Discovery Center Photo Archive (8,432)
Colver family papers, circa 1860-1888 (31)
Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the U.S. South since 1910 (44)
Cornelius DeWitt papers (6)
Corvallis Historical Images (696)
Dan Powell photographs, 1970s-2000s (116)
Daniel H. Lownsdale letter to Aaron E. Wait (2)
Dean Southern Jennings papers, 1920-1969 (49)
Dissociation and Trauma Archives (53)
Doris Ulmann (1882-1934) photographs, 1920s-1934 (2,761)
Dorothy Sterling (The Luce Empire) papers (4)
Duniway family photographs, circa 1852-1990s (6)
Earl Conrad papers (72)
Edith Wherry Muckleston papers, 1858-1961 (2)
Edwin Tunis papers, 1920s-1979 (150)
Elizabeth Head Fetter papers, 1931-1971 (267)
Ellis Fuller Lawrence papers, 1909-1929 (10)
Ellmaker family papers, 1768-2005 (7)
Ernest F. Loring "Red" Nichols papers, 1926-1965 (9)
Ethos Magazine (60)
Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project (210)
Eugene Print Collection, 1880-1960 (136)
Father James Croke letters (25)
Florence M. Hartshorn photographs, 1899-1900 (33)
Frank M. Toothaker papers, 1918-1950 (133)
Frank Patterson Photographs (349)
Frank R. Adams papers (48)
Frazier A. Boutelle photographs, c. 1865-1924 (43)
George Allingham letter to William Allingham, 1851 January 19 (2)
George Crook papers (48)
Gerald W. Williams Collection (2,025)
Gertrude Bass Warner (1863-1951) photographs (4,852)
Gertrude Bass Warner and the Early Photography Archive of the University Art Museum/Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (1,603)
Gertrude Bass Warner papers, 1879-1954 (2,927)
Gertrude Bass Warner papers, 1909-1923 (1,927)
Gifford Photographic Collection (1,367)
Grace Hutchins papers, 1902-1968 (2)
Grayson Mathews (1948-2007) photographs, 1970s-1990s (53)
H. A. Rey papers (29)
Harry S. Stamper, Jr. papers (618)
Hazard Stevens Photographs (PH101), 1870-1918 (1)
Hazard Stevens papers, 1885-1913 (28)
Henry R. Stern papers (27)
Herbert C. Thompson papers (4)
Historic Sheet Music Collection (1,135)
Historic and Cultural Textile and Apparel Collection (2,939)
Historic print collection, circa 1800s-1970 (4)
Historical Aerial Photographs of the Mid-Willamette Valley (7,721)
Historical Images of Oregon State University (25,220)
Historical Maps of Oregon State University (15)
Historical Publications of Oregon State University (18,184)
Hugh O'Connor papers (497)
Illustrated Booklets (29)
International Freshwater Treaties Collection (656)
J.F. Ford Photographs (49)
James Cloutier photographs, 1977 (72)
James Daugherty papers (4)
James E. and Susan L. Skinner papers, 1889-1956 (6)
Jane C. Grant Photographs (PH141), 1892-1972 (2)
Jane C. Grant papers, 1911/1972 (2)
Jay C. and Lucile C. Oliver papers, 1905-1979 (29)
Joanna Russ papers, 1968-1989 (167)
Joel Palmer Papers (5,781)
John Bauguess photographs, 1970s (410)
John Edward Tysell, Sr. papers (1,449)
John F. Campbell letter (2)
John W. Redington papers, 1880-1935 (20)
John Yeon architectural drawings, 1934-1976 (153)
Jon Sutton papers (2)
Jonathan Bourne papers (101)
Ken Gray Insect Image Collection (3,298)
Kurt Werth papers, 1919-1983 (478)
Kurt Wiese papers, circa 1911-1974 (749)
Laura E. Turner household account book and weather record (3)
Laura J. Bock papers, 1962-1969 (1,740)
Lawrence Block Manuscripts (26)
Lee D. Drake (1882-1957) photographs, ca. 1910-1957 (26)
Lee Moorhouse (1850-1926) photographs, 1888-1916 (7,139)
Lee and Robert Wyndham papers (43)
Leonard Everett Fisher papers (30)
Lesbian Intentional Community: Ruth Mountaingrove (b. 1923) photographs (914)
Lichens of the Pacific Northwest (5,216)
Lincoln County Historical Society Archive (1,393)
Liévin Van de Velde Photographs (PH048), 1880-1889 (5)
Liévin Van de Velde papers, 1785-1961 (5)
Lord & Schryver landscape architectural records, 1929-1970 (69)
Lowenstam Collection of Ancient Western Art and Archaeology (13,889)
Lurton Blassingame Literary Agency records (50)
Mayo Methot Bogart (1904-1951) photographs (26)
Mayo Methot Bogart memorabilia (6)
Michael Fessier papers, 1927-1967 (2)
Minorities and LGBTQ+ Histories in the Barometer (51)
Mongolian Altai Inventory Collection (2,806)
Morris Graves papers, 1910-2008 (5)
National Japanese American Student Relocation Council records, 1942-1946 (28)
Northwest Folklife Digital Collection (6,408)
OSU Baseball Centennial (1,637)
OSU Extension Faculty and Staff Oral Histories (104)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center (83,900)
OSU's WWII Era Japanese American Students (43)
Opal S. Whiteley (1897-1992) photographs (75)
Opal Whiteley papers, 1911–1977 (2)
Oral Histories at Oregon State University Libraries (1,200)
Orange Owl (43)
Oregon Century Farm and Ranch Program (1,640)
Oregon Chinese Disinterment Documents (42)
Oregon Daily Emerald Archives (2,145)
Oregon Explorer (1,263)
Oregon Folklife Program records, 1979-2009 (2)
Oregon Hops & Brewing Archives (1,475)
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Slides and Photographs (7,195)
Oregon Latino Heritage (444)
Oregon Maps (209)
Oregon Multicultural Archives (3,371)
Oregon Percent for Art (4,497)
Oregon State Library Oregon authors vertical files collection (2)
Oregon State University Alumni Magazine (679)
Oregon State University Athletics (4,154)
Oregon State University College and Department Histories (78)
Oregon State University Commencement Programs (138)
Oregon State University Fact Books (13)
Oregon State University General Catalogs (149)
Oregon State University President's Office Records (701)
Oregon State University Sports Media Guides (613)
Oregon State University Student Protest and Underground Publications (75)
Oregon State University Yearbooks (115)
Oregon State Yank (8)
Oregon's Agricultural Progress (169)
Oswald West papers (2)
PCUN records (3)
Pacific Northwest Stream Survey (1,183)
Pamela J. Peters Standing Rock Protest photographs (PH 398) (23)
Petrarch Canzoniere (10)
Phil Decker Crop Festival Photographs (156)
Picturing the Cayuse, Walla Walla, and Umatilla Tribes (313)
Postcard collection, circa 1904-1940 (2)
Quincy Scott Political Cartoons, 1904-1949 (532)
Ralph Dyar papers, 1907-1955 (2)
Randall V. Mills Transportation Collection (1907-1952) photographs, ca. 1937-1952 (52)
Reuniting Finley and Bohlman (7,392)
Richard Haviland Smythe papers (7)
Richard Neuberger papers, 1930-1960 (1,646)
Richard Sundeleaf papers and architectural records (5)
Rising Flood Waters: 1964 Corvallis (59)
Roy C. Andrews photographs, 1902-1955 (66)
Royal Augustus Bensell diary and scrapbook (8)
Ruth Cornwall Woodman papers (7)
Ruth Epperson Kennell papers, 1915-1970 (265)
Sally Miller Gearhart papers (2)
The Album Collection (33)
The Daily Barometer (14,267)
The Electric Studio/O.G. Allen photographs, ca. 1911-1913 (4)
The Fairbanks Fine Arts Print Collection (465)
The Gertrude Bass Warner Collection of Japanese Votive Slips (nōsatsu), 1850s to 1930s (9,836)
The Healers Project (477)
The Manuscript (13)
The Siuslaw National Forest Collection (6,004)
Thomas A. Curry, Sr. Photographs, 1918-1933 (111)
Thomas A. Curry, Sr. papers, 1918-1933 (145)
U.S. Geological Survey Kelp Groves of the Pacific Coast and Islands Maps (54)
UO Archives Photographs (35,383)
UO Athletics (33,105)
UO Design Library (1)
UO Office of the President (457)
UO Stock Photos (2,350)
UO Veterans (310)
University Archives sound recordings collection, 1933-1995 (4)
University of Oregon Special Collections Manuscripts and Rare Books (5,854)
Walter Meacham Photographs (PH106), circa 1905-1923 (30)
Walter Meacham papers, 1840-1943 (30)
Walter S. Bowman (1865-1938) photographs, 1880s-1920s (27)
Wartime Posters collection (683)
Wayne L. Morse Photographs (PH131), 1879-1972 (3)
Wayne L. Morse papers, 1919-1989 (3)
Western Waters Digital Library (1,347)
William C. Smith papers (19)
William J. Rapp papers, 1911-1942 (27)
Willis Dunagan diaries and legal papers, 1858-1897 (116)
WomanShare records, 1974-1999 (177)
Zig Jackson photographs (177)
e-Asia Digital Library (4,048)
Oregon Arts Commission (4,497)
Oregon Historical Society (7,318)
Oregon State University (109,087)
Portland State University (42)
Shandong da xue (93)
Towson University (658)
University of Central Florida (14,517)
University of Maine (7,169)
University of Oregon (231,985)
University of Oregon. Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives (14)
Zhong yang min zu da xue (China) (4)
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