Abbott, Lawrence F. (Lawrence Fraser), 1859-1933 (2)
Abel, John Jacob, 1857-1938 (4)
Actors (2)
Adams, Desmon (3)
Adams, Mrs. Bird Potter (4)
Adler, F. (2)
African American children (9)
African American singers (11)
African American women (79)
African American youth (1)
African Americans (97)
Allen, Charles Wesley (4)
Amburgey, Jethro (10)
American Association of Immunologists (4)
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (4)
American Medical Association (2)
Anatomists (2)
Anderson family (3)
Anderson, John (7)
Anderson, Mary (5)
Anderson, Ms. (5)
Anderson, Ned (6)
Anderson, Sarah Owen (14)
Appalachian Region (114)
Appalachians (People) (1,660)
Architecture, Domestic (104)
Artisans (669)
Artists (48)
Authors (42)
Axson, Stockton, 1867-1935 (2)
Bacteriologists (8)
Bagly, Mary Elizabeth (3)
Baird, William Jesse (17)
Baker, Dr. Allison (7)
Bakeries (36)
Barnard, George Grey, 1863-1938 (2)
Barton, Nick (22)
Baskets (3)
Bastedo, Walter Arthur, 1873- (2)
Beehives (2)
Bell, Leonnard (2)
Benfield, Martin (9)
Bhattacharjee, Debendra Nath (4)
Biochemists (11)
Biographers (2)
Biologists (6)
Birds (5)
Bishop, Evelyn (14)
Blaine, Reverend Corey R. (5)
Blondin, Mrs. (7)
Blonding, Ellen (3)
Blonding, Mrs. (9)
Blonding, Sarah (9)
Bloodgood, Joseph Colt, 1867-1935 (2)
Boats (7)
Borglum, Gutzon, 1867-1941 (2)
Bowersox, Katharine S. (6)
Bowlby, Anthony A. (Anthony Alfred), Sir, 1855-1929 (4)
Bridges (4)
Bright, Mary (2)
Brooks, Phillips, 1835-1893 (1)
Buddhist wood sculpture (3)
Buildings (8)
Burkhardt, Fred (5)
Burnett family (4)
Burnett, Mrs. Ray (7)
Burton-Opitz, Russell, 1875- (2)
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947 (4)
Callahan, Boone C. (4)
Campbell, Aline Dane (2)
Cardiologists (4)
Carrel, Alexis, 1873-1944 (2)
Carter, Ethel (4)
Casamajor, Louis, 1881-1962 (4)
Casey, F. D. (2)
Caudler, Anne Abbott (4)
Chafer, Mary Alice (12)
Chase, Jane (13)
Choreographers (2)
Church buildings (1)
Churns (4)
Cities and towns (7)
City planners (2)
Clark, Samuel (7)
Cobb, Anne (2)
Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944 (2)
Coffman, John Andrew (5)
Coker, Cora (8)
College department heads (8)
College presidents (6)
College students (52)
College teachers (105)
Columbia University (51)
Combs, Mrs. (4)
Combs, S. (8)
Confectioners (14)
Confectionery (13)
Connelly, Della Stallcup (7)
Connelly, Sarah (5)
Connerlson, Walter (2)
Connerlson, Webb (4)
Cook, Ansel Granville (2)
Cookery (1)
Cooking (11)
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 (2)
Coronil, A. (2)
Cosmopolitan (2)
Costume (16)
Cottle, Shubart (2)
Cotton gins and ginning (2)
Cowley, Dr. Robert (7)
Creameries (15)
Creech Family (17)
Creech, Betty (5)
Creech, Wilma (7)
Critics (4)
Crumlege, Ms. (4)
Cullen, Thomas Stephen, 1868-1953 (2)
Cunliffe, John William, 1865-1946 (2)
Dairy cattle (2)
Dancers (12)
Davis, Ed (5)
Davis, Isaac (10)
Davis, Mrs. Ed (7)
Davis, Robert H. (2)
Day Family (4)
Day, Ludie (4)
Day, Mattie (1)
Day, Nanci (2)
Day, Red Sal (2)
Deans (Education) (4)
Dentists (4)
Dermatologists (4)
Deschamps, Carol (2)
Deschamps, Clotilde (5)
Dingman, Helen (10)
Docks (6)
Domestic life (13)
Donald Russell Hooker (2)
Dougherty Family (21)
Dougherty, Lea Adams (8)
Dougherty, Ms. (4)
Dougherty, Sarah (5)
Douglass, Alice Kate (12)
Douglass, Clementine (21)
Dramatists (6)
Duffield, Ms. (6)
Durham, John Willie (5)
Dwellings (88)
Dysort, Flora (9)
Dysort, Lena (4)
Editors (17)
Educators (7)
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 (4)
Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926 (6)
Elliott, John Lovejoy, 1868-1942 (3)
Encyclopedists (2)
Engle, Lyzette (2)
Enters, Annya (10)
Ernberg, Anna (11)
Ethical culture movement (3)
Family (1)
Farmers (80)
Faulkner, Barbara (5)
Field, Mrs. Zachariah (7)
Fineman, Irving, 1893-1976 (4)
Fishers (1)
Flowers (24)
Flynn, Donald Luther (3)
Food processing machinery (1)
Fordyce, John Addison, 1858-1925 (4)
Frees, Edward (1)
Frost, Ms. (5)
Frost, William G. (William Goodell), 1854-1938 (6)
Galloway, Herbert Peter Howell (6)
Gastroenterologists (2)
Gayhart, Charles (2)
Gerster, Arpad G. (Arpad Geyza), 1848-1923 (6)
Gibney, V. P. (Virgil Pendleton), 1847-1927 (2)
Gibran, Kahlil, 1883-1931 (4)
Gies, William John, 1872-1956 (4)
Goldthwait, Joel E. (Joel Ernest), 1866- (4)
Goodnow, Frank J., 1859-1939 (4)
Goodrich, Bernice (3)
Goodrich, Miss (12)
Grausman, Philip M. (2)
Greenwich Art Society (6)
Greer, Taft (2)
Guitar (6)
Gynecologists (2)
Hall, Mabel (3)
Halsey, William Darrach, 1918- (2)
Hapgood, Norman, 1868-1937 (2)
Harbors (7)
Harlem Hospital Center (New York, N.Y.) (4)
Harris, Bernice (2)
Harrison, Richard B. (2)
Harvard University (12)
Hatcher (1)
Hatcher, Sarah Alice (13)
Hays, Wilmuth Frances (5)
Hebrew Union College (2)
Henderson, Frank (9)
Henderson, Ms. Frank (3)
Hensley, Hayden (2)
Herford, Oliver, 1863-1935 (2)
Hibbs, Russell A. (Russell Aubra), 1869-1932 (2)
Hipps family (14)
Hipps, Ada (5)
Hipps, Arthur (3)
Hipps, James M. (4)
Hipps, Mrs. James M. (4)
Historians (2)
Historians--United States (11)
Hoffman, Arthur Sullivant, 1876- (2)
Hoffman, Mike (10)
Home, Mary (9)
Homeplace, Kentucky (17)
Hospital administrators (2)
Hospital for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled (2)
Howard family (4)
Howard, Nora (10)
Howard, Virginia (9)
Humorists (2)
Huntington, George S. (George Sumner), 1861-1927 (2)
Huntington, Seth Romen (10)
Hutchins, Mrs. William J. (13)
Hutchins, Ms. R.G. (11)
Hutchins, William J. (William James), 1871-1958 (19)
Hyatt, Betsy (4)
Illustrators (2)
Immunologists (8)
Ingram, Peter (8)
Itō, Michio, 1893-1961 (2)
Jackson, Mike Robinson (3)
Jacobi, A. (Abraham), 1830-1919 (2)
Jacoby, George W., 1856-1940 (4)
Janitors (1)
Jobling, J. W. (James Wesley), 1876- (4)
John Day Company (2)
Johns Hopkins Hospital (12)
Johns, Mr. (2)
Johnson, Ermodel (9)
Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938 (2)
Johnson, Lillie (9)
Jones, Mrs. (4)
Jones, Ralph (4)
Jones, Robert, 1857-1933 (4)
Jones, Walter, 1865-1935 (2)
Journalism (1)
Journalists (9)
Justice, Delia (7)
Kammerer, Frederic (6)
Kennedy, Ashford (1)
Kohler, Kaufmann, 1843-1926 (2)
Kreiger (9)
Lakes, Edward (2)
Lakes, Lucy (11)
Lambert, Adrian Van Sinderen (2)
Lambert, Samuel W. (Samuel Waldron), 1859-1942 (2)
Lambs (2)
Landscape photography (7)
Law (Philosophical concept) (1)
Law--Philosophy (4)
Lawyers (2)
Lecturers (2)
Ledford, Besa (2)
Ledford, Tess (4)
Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879-1966 (12)
Leoman, George (12)
Lewis, Christopher (3)
Lewis, Dan (2)
Lexicographers (2)
Libraries (3)
Librettists (6)
Lilner, Lottie (3)
Linger, Hanna Smith (10)
Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924 (4)
Logan, John Drew (2)
Long, Frank W. (17)
Long, Ray, 1878-1935 (2)
Longcope, Warfield T. (Warfield Theobald), 1877-1953 (4)
Lord, Anthony, 1900-1993 (11)
Lurich, Ray (3)
MacKaye, Percy, 1875-1956 (6)
Martin, Ms. W.J. (8)
Martin, W.J. (5)
Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929 (2)
McCarter, Arlene (5)
McCarter, Cora (3)
McCarter, Mac (6)
McConkey, Victor (8)
McConny, Mrs. (7)
McCord, Mary Rose (7)
McVey, Frank LeRond, 1869-1953 (12)
Meadows, John Alexander (21)
Medcalf, Lelena (3)
Medcalf, Leo (7)
Medical research personnel (2)
Medical scientists (14)
Meltzer, Samuel James, 1851-1920 (4)
Meyer, Willy, 1858-1932 (2)
Military uniforms (4)
Miller (9)
Mills and mill-work (37)
Moore, Molly (9)
Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, N.Y.) (6)
Mullens, Bert (11)
Mullens, Henderson (8)
Mullens, Mrs. Henderson (2)
Mumford, Lewis, 1895-1990 (2)
Music teachers (11)
Musicians (116)
Nannies (2)
National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers (3)
Netherly, Didie (5)
Neurological Institute of New York (4)
Neurologists (12)
New York State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Children (2)
New York World (2)
New York post (1)
Nichols, Martha (8)
Niles, John Jacob, 1892-1980 (74)
Nobel Prize winners (6)
Noguchi, Hideyo, 1876-1928 (6)
Nolan, Sarah Jane (3)
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (2)
Obstetricians (4)
Ochtman, Leonard, 1854-1935 (6)
Ophthalmologists (2)
Oppenheimer, Bernard S. (2)
Orthopedists (20)
Otologists (2)
Owenby family (43)
Owenby, Pink (6)
Painter, Harry McMahon (2)
Palmer, Walter Walker (1882-1950), physician and educator (2)
Pathologists (14)
Pearson, James J. (2)
Pediatricians (2)
Penniman, Mr. (15)
Pennland, J. (1)
Pennland, Mrs. (2)
Personnel directors (10)
Pettit, Katherine (7)
Pharmacologists (6)
Philosophers (6)
Photographers (34)
Photographs (26)
Photography, Artistic (60)
Physicians (115)
Physiologists (14)
Pickelseimer, Earl (3)
Plants (24)
Pless, Rosalie (9)
Poets (12)
Politicians (2)
Portin family (7)
Portrait photography (49)
Portraits (12)
Presbyterian Hospital (New York, N.Y.) (4)
Presidents--United States (2)
Princeton University (6)
Prudden, T. Mitchell (Theophil Mitchell), 1849-1924 (4)
Pruitt, Grace (6)
Psychiatrists (4)
Publishers and publishing (6)
Purdue University (2)
Rabbis (2)
Raine, Dr. (4)
Ramsey, Lydia (5)
Reagan, Lizz (9)
Reed, Jason (11)
Regan, Emma (4)
Rice University (2)
Riggs, S. T. (6)
Ritchie family (27)
Ritchie, Abigail Hall (7)
Ritchie, Balis Wilmer (5)
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (18)
Rockefeller University (4)
Roghs, Nelse (6)
Rural children (237)
Rural conditions (1)
Rural women (1,030)
Rural youth (47)
Rutgers University (2)
Sailors (1)
Scroggs, Fred O. (1)
Scroggs, Luch (5)
Scroggs, Wanda (3)
Sculptors (2)
Shaffer, Newton M. (Newton Melman), 1846-1928 (2)
Sheep (5)
Shell, John B. (3)
Shook, Robert (3)
Singers (4)
Smith, Ed, Mrs. (4)
Smith, Lon (5)
Smith, Stephen, 1823-1922 (6)
Smith, Winford H. (2)
Sociologists (2)
Staircases (1)
Stallcup, Pauline (4)
Stanford University (2)
Starr, M. Allen (Moses Allen), 1854-1932 (2)
Stetten, DeWitt, 1881-1951 (2)
Stevens, Alonzo (4)
Stewart family (2)
Stewart, Elsie (6)
Stewart, Mr. (5)
Stewart, Rachel (6)
Stiles family (25)
Stiles, Ethel May (15)
Stiles, Frances (10)
Stiles, Wilma (6)
Still lifes (8)
Storefronts (1)
Students (17)
Suffragists (7)
Surgeons (60)
Taulbert, Richard (7)
Taylor, Bristol (11)
Taylor, Howard (9)
Taylor, Lerena (4)
Theobald, Samuel, 1846-1930 (2)
Thomas, Susan (2)
Tilney, Frederick, 1875-1938 (2)
Trentham, Georgia (5)
Trentham, Laura (6)
Trestles (3)
Truss bridges (1)
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 (26)
United States. Army--Officers (4)
Universities and colleges--Administration (83)
Universities and colleges--Departments (4)
University of Kentucky (21)
University of Vermont (2)
Urologists (2)
Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950 (2)
Vases (3)
Vaughan, J. C. (2)
Vaughn, Marshall (6)
Vaughn, Smith (5)
Veterans (26)
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949 (2)
Villiers, Frederic, 1852-1922 (3)
Viner, Mrs. (7)
Viner, Mrs. Arema Stone (6)
Viner, Sandy (5)
Waldroup, Nancy Sue (2)
Wall, Arlma (2)
Wall, Mary (3)
Wall, Wilma (3)
Walsh, Richard J. (Richard John), 1886-1960 (2)
Weavers (172)
Weber, Max, 1881-1961 (2)
Weir, Robert F. (Robert Fulton), 1838-1927 (4)
Welch, William Henry, 1850-1934 (2)
Wells (1)
Welsh, J. E. (6)
Welster, Ella (10)
Whitman, Royal, 1857-1946 (2)
Wilder Famliy (8)
Wilder, Margaret (6)
Wilder, Polly (6)
Williams, J. Whitridge (John Whitridge), 1866-1931 (2)
Willmott family (26)
Willmott, Annabelle (5)
Wilson Family (3)
Women college students (98)
Women deans (Education) (15)
Women photographers (34)
Women--Portraits (11)
Wood sculpture (3)
Wood, Francis Carter, 1869-1951 (2)
Wood, Mrs. C.U. (6)
Wood-carving (28)
Wool (5)
Wyatt, S.U. (9)
Young, Hugh H., 1870-1945 (2)
Zinsser, Hans, 1878-1940 (2)
architects (11)
architecture (object genre) (3)
artisan metalworkers (11)
banjos (7)
basket makers (craftsmen) (50)
blacksmith's bellows (4)
blacksmiths (36)
blankets (coverings) (11)
broommakers (7)
carpenters (36)
ceramicists (14)
chairmakers (47)
drama (discipline) (9)
drawings (visual works) (2)
dulcimers (56)
dyers (16)
family portraits (88)
fan makers (5)
farriers (5)
fiddles (7)
fireplaces (1)
furniture (6)
group portraits (254)
knitters (9)
lace makers (4)
looms (textile tools) (23)
lyres (1)
musical instrument makers (21)
needlework (visual works) (3)
painters (artists) (24)
performing artists (26)
pianos (3)
poets (11)
portraits (2,464)
pottery (visual works) (11)
pottery techniques (4)
preachers (24)
pug mills (4)
puppetry (performing art) (8)
quiltmakers (76)
quilts (37)
rugs (textiles) (18)
rural areas (1)
rural life (2,106)
sculptors (4)
sewers (textile workers) (10)
spinners (176)
tapestries (1)
textile artists (10)
ukuleles (2)
violins (16)
woodcarvers (woodworkers) (23)
woodworkers (62)